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Aryabhata was born in magadha modern patna in bihar. many are of the view that he as born in the south of india especially krala and lived in magadha at the time of the guptharulers, time which is known as the golden age of india. there is no evidence that he was brn outsidepatliputra and traveledto magadha, the central of education and learning forhis studies here he even set up acoaching centre.his frist name ARYA  is hardly a suth indian namehile BHATA is a typical north indian nameeven found today specially among the  BANIA community. whatever this origin,it cannot be argued that he lived in patliputra here he wrote his famouse treatise the aryabhata-siddhanta but more famosely the aryabhata the only ork t have survived. it cntains
mathematical and astronomical theorise that have been revealed to be qite. it contains
mdern mathematics. for instance he rote that if 4is added to 100 and then multiplied
 by 8 then added to 62000 then divided by 20,000 then answer ill be equal to the
circumference of acircle of diameter twenty thousend. this calculatin to 3.1416 close to the actual value pi(3.14159). but his greatest contribution has to be zero. his otherwork include algebra,arthmetic,trigonometry,quadratic quuation and the sine table.he already knew that the earth spins on its axis, the earth moves roun the sun and the mon rotates rounds the earth. he tak about the position of the planets in relation to its movements around the sun. he referal to the light of the planets and the moon as refection frm the sun. he goes as far as texplan the eclipse of the monand the sun, day and night,the contours of the earth..aryabhata caculated the sideea day as 3 hours 56 minutes and 4.1 seconds, the modern vaue is 23:56:4.091 similarly, his value for the length of the sidereal year at 365 days 6houersn 12 minuts  30 seconds over the lenght of an year. the notion of sodereal time as knows in most other astronomica systems of the time, but this computation was likely the most accurate in the period. he even computed the circumference of the earth as 24835 miles which is close to modern day calculation of 24900 miles. indian astrologers said the announcement about dropping pluto as a planet had endorsed the mathematical and astrologica treatises ritten by aryabhata  centuries ago, indian astrology did not include piuto as a planet and the latest
announcement by leading global astronomers only endorsed the indian mathematical astrology of aryabhata in the sixth century. estern astrolgy uses it in our calculation.
while pluto was alays out of indian astrology and we do not use it in  our calculations. tis is the practice from the days f aryabhata. indian astrology is mathemativally concerned with the nine planets, two of which are rahul and ketu that are nothing but derives from the diameter of the earth, which is acirce having a vaue pi(22/7) imbedded in the equator of earth. says that the globe of the earth stands in space at the central of the ceestial sphere... the earth is circular on all sides. just as the bulb of a kadamba flower is surrunded by bossoms on all sides, so also isthe blobe of the earth surrounded by all creatures hether living on land or in water. and above all, his most spectacular conribution as the concept of zero without hich modern computer technology would have been
non-existent. aryabhata was a colossus in the field of mathematics. this remarkable man was a genius and continues to baffle many mathematics of today. his works was then later adopted by the greeks and then the arabs. indian space research organisation named its first artificial satelite as aryabhata. the linar crater aryabhata in named in his honour. 
ARYABHARATA(476-550AD) ARYABHARATA(476-550AD) Reviewed by vijaykumar on 04:54 Rating: 5

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